Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 3

Here we are on day 3 and the first weekday of my challenge.  Thirty minutes ago as I was lazing on the couch I was 99.9% sure that day 2 was going to be my last post...Today was a Monday, and a typical Monday at that!  I work full time as a mobile x-ray tech.  I go to people's homes and do the exams ordered by the physicians I work with on patients who are home-bound and have a hard time getting out.  Well, in order to do an x-ray I have to have an x-ray machine.  An x-ray machine is not a simple little piece of equipment as you can probably imagine if you've ever had an x-ray in a hospital.  My machine weighs about 100 lbs...Cincinnati is built on hills.  Nearly every home I go to has steps just to get to the front door.  Sometimes 3 or 4 steps, sometimes 25 steps. Then typically those homes are 2 stories, sometimes 3.  And wouldn't you know that the home-bound patient more often than not lives on the very top floor.  Anyway, what I'm getting at is that my job can be freakin' hard some days!  Today was one of those days.  I started it off by taking my machine to the 3rd floor of a building just to find out that my patient was on the bottom floor.  Tonight I was TIRED!  Dinner was Pizza Hut and my first night to use our new gym membership that Kraig got us was a big ol' FAIL.  I wasn't going to do anything at all.  But then I really started thinking about it and knew I'd be disappointed in myself if I didn't do something from Pinterest.  I really did not want to declare my little escapade a failure after 3 days.  I knew there would have to be something I could do especially since I've really not given myself any rules to follow.  So I started brainstorming...and pinning of course.  Finally I came up with the idea to do some photo editing.  I love photography.  I don't consider myself a photographer. I don't have a fancy camera and I don't know if the photos I take here and there are very good, but I love doing it.  And even more than taking pictures I love editing them.  I'm by far no expert.  I've used different photo editing software and what I know about them is strictly from what I teach myself.  I really liked the Picasa Piknik online editing.  As of April they shut it down.  One of the websites it recommended to start using was PicMonkey.  I've used it several times and it's a lot of fun. Pinterest had several pins about PicMonkey and one with a few tips.  So...I went ahead and started a new board for photography and am going to spend some time editing a few pictures I've taken here and there around Ohio and Northern Kentucky.  That's one of my favorite parts of my job.  I get to travel to see patients in the country.  I always have my camera with me in case I see something that is photo-worthy to me!

I thought this beat up mailbox I saw along a country road looked pretty cool...
Played with it a little on PicMonkey and made it even cooler:
 Have you ever wondered why we spend lots and lots of money on digital cameras and software so we can make our pictures look like they were taken with that old polaroid mom had and then kept in a dusty atic for years and years?  I just think it's ironic.  I don't know about everyone else, but I miss those good ol' days and anything that can give me a little nostalgia is perfectly fine!

Here's a picture of Derryk's girlfriend, Kayla, and there's Derryk in the background.  Hi Derryk!  They are always taking goofy pictures.
And here's what I did with PicMonkey:
Sorry Derryk!  You are still in there somewhere! 
Look at that eye color...

K, since I practically faded Derryk out of that pic, I'll do one last edit of him...

And here it is now...

Didn't have to do much to it.  Awwww!  Isn't he handsome????

Well, that does it for today.  I'm satisfied.  I feel that I met my challenge.  The tips I found on PicMonkey are pinned to the photography board on my Pinterest.  It's time for this girl to get in bed.  Tomorrow brings promises of much more strenuous work and I'm sure and another challenge of what in the world I will blog about from Pinterest even though I'm so darn tired!

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