Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 7

Did I tell you I'm planning a wedding?  Yup, I'm getting married.  Again, I have to stress, I am NOT engaged.  Still waiting for that ring.  And let me tell you, it gets bigger and prettier my mind anyway!  Seriously though, I'd marry this guy if he got down on his knee and pulled out a ring pop!  Regardless if my ring ends up being edible or not, I'm not considering us being officially engaged until then.  That doesn't mean I haven't started planning.  Kraig and I both started talking over wedding ideas two weeks after meeting each other.  We just knew.

Wedding ideas are really the things that first got me using Pinterest so much.  It's full of stuff!  And for ANY type of wedding.  Our wedding is not going to be large.  It will be intimate with our kids, parents, and hopefully some siblings.  It will be outdoors.  Nonetheless it will not be lacking.  Other than the small number of guests we are going the whole nine yards with dress, cake, flowers, photographer, more flowers, and most important LOVE and FAMILY.  Probably a little stress too.  But I promise not to turn into a bridezilla!

When we first started talking about our wedding we had the idea of getting married at a cabin in one of the most gorgeous places in Kentucky, the Red River Gorge.  I came across some great ideas on Pinterest for that kind of wedding.  As I was showing Kraig what I found we also came across some ideas for a barn wedding.

The picture above is my favorite pin.  We will be getting married on October 27th, so if all goes as planned we will also be using similar colors.  The trees around here are magnificent in the fall!

As I was working on Thursday I was lucky enough to visit a patient that lives at the top of  a beautiful hill in Northern Kentucky.  On the way up the hill I spotted THE barn!  In my eyes it's perfect for a wedding.  Surrounded by trees that  are sure to be brilliant colors of orange, gold, and red come October.  The thing about this barn that stood out to me is that it's white.  In Kentucky the barns are usually black or weathered gray.  I feel that white is so fitting for a wedding.  I took pictures and showed them to Kraig when I got home.  He agreed with me.
So, there it is.  I found it.  Now I'm leaving it up to Kraig to check into things and speak with the owners to see if it's a possibility.  I have a good feeling he can convince the owners to let us use it.  If  they will we will then decide if we want to do it there or go with the cabin idea.  I'm so excited!

I will continue to post updates as we go along.  Hopefully, it won't be too long before I can post an engagement announcement.  ;)

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